Friday 25th April, 9am-11am or 6pm-8pm
Designing your planting schemes can be a tricky process.
It involves many considerations and thoughts, alongside a good understanding of plants. It can make it a difficult task for untrained amateur gardeners, and green-fingered folk alike.
In this interesting talk, John will explain how to associate, group, and position plants in your garden, to get the best out of them, embracing different styles and pushing boundaries.
He’ll go into depth about when is a good time to plan and plant, how to prepare your garden and schemes for different seasons, as well as;
Planting styles including English Garden, Cottage Garden, White Garden and more.
How to work with your space, taking into consideration your aspects; sun / shade, soil type, and surroundings.
How to design a garden, bed, or border that blooms and has visual interest all season.
How to create visual variation using height, colour, and flowering times.
Plant considerations – what plants work & grow well together, stylistically, and practically. Which plants are easier to maintain for beginners or those who are busy, and which plants need more care and attention, for the more experienced, green-fingered folk.
Price: £45
Price includes:
Tea / Coffee, a sweet treat, and 10% off plants on the day you visit.
Q&A session: You’ll have the opportunity to ask John anything you’d like about garden schemes, plants, and more when the talk has ended
Holden Clough Nurseries
TimeS: 9.00am - 11.00am OR 6.00PM - 8.00PM
Please arrive by 9.00 am / 6.00 pm for a hot drink & sweet treat.
The talk will begin at 9.30 am / 6.30 pm when everyone is settled.
How to book
Please book and pay through our website below. A confirmation email will be sent to your inbox.